‘World COPD Day-2019’

OPINION & SUGGESTIONS FOR RESPIRATORY PATIENTS O.P. SHRIVASTAVA Indian chest society is doing a commendable job in its efforts to increase awareness of respiratory diseases amongst general public. By providing a platform in the name of ‘Public Forum’ it has...

Author: Dr. OP Shrivastava

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‘World COPD Day-2018’
Burning Biomass Fuel & Lung Diseases

Delhi chokes on smoke from neighboring states Dr. M. Sabir Every year with the start of winter season air pollution caused by stubble (crops residue) burning becomes a hot topic....

Author: Dr. M. Sabir

Place: Bikaner

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Smoking Habit in India – Dr. M. Sabir

Smoking Habit in India Dr. M. Sabir There are evidences suggesting smoking in India has been known since at least 2000 BC, when cannabis was smoked and is first mentioned in the  Atharvaveda. Performing ‘ home’ (fire...

Author: Dr. M.Sabir

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‘World COPD Day-2015’
Smoking Cessation Campaign (New Article)

From Editor’s Desk Dr. M. Sabir Dear Friends, On behalf of all the members of Indian Chest Society, I express our sincere thanks for taking interest in our website ‘Public...

Author: Dr. M.Sabir

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Smoking Cessation Campaign (New Article)

Dr. RajaDhar Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. The greatest harm is to the lungs by affecting your breathing. It narrows the breathing tubes to cause Chronic Obstructive...

Author: Dr. RajaDhar

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‘World COPD Day-2014’
World COPD Day 2014 – Dr. Sabir

Dr.M.Sabir Dear Friends COPD day brings start of winter in northern part of our country. Winters are worst for COPD patients, but with little care & prevention serious sufferings can...

Author: Dr. M.Sabir

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COPD & Psychiatric Disorder

COPD & PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER Dr. Sanjay Kochar COPD is a chronic progressive condition characterized by slowly progressive irreversible bronchial obstruction & a fluctuating symptom complex of recurrent productive cough &...

Author: Dr. Sanjay Kochar

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Bone Diseases with COPD

BONE DISEASES WITH COPD Dr. Sudhir Chaudhri Osteoporosis or bone weakness is a common finding in COPD. It is characterized by low bone mass accompanied by micro architectural changes in bone...

Author: Dr. Sudhir Chaudhri

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Pharmacological Treatment of COPD

Pharmacological Treatment of COPD Dr. B.B. Mathur Q.1 What are the main aims of the Treatment?                      Ans. Main aims are :...

Author: Dr. B.B. Mathur

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Prognosis of COPD

PROGNOSIS OF COPD Dr. N.K. JAIN MD. D.N.B., FNCCP FCCP (USA) Chronic obstructive disease worsens over time. After COPD becomes clinically apparent, the median survival is about 10 years. Prognostic...

Author: Dr. N.K. Jain

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Inaugural articles
‘World COPD Day-2013’
What causes COPD and How?

Dr. (Prof.) A.G. Ghoshal Dr. Sushmita Roy Chowdhury Consultant Pulmonologist Fortis Hospital Kolkatta We are in the midst of an epidemic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) without being aware...

Author: Prof. A.G.Ghoshal, Kolkatta

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COPD-When to suspect?

COPD: When to Suspect? (Clinical Features & Early Diagnosis) Dr. J.K. Samaria COPD is a serious illness worldwide. It is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality if...

Author: Prof. J.K.Samaria, Varanasi

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COPD – Preparing Indian Guidelines

Forming Indian Guidelines for Treating COPD patients Dr. Dheeraj Gupta Although numerous evidence-based guidelines are available for the diagnosis and management of COPD with recent updates Globally; there are differences...

Author: Prof. Dheeraj Gupta, Chandigarh

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From Editor’s Desk – Dr. Sabir COPD 2014

Dr. M.Sabir,MD Editor, Public Forum President Elect-2012-13, Indian Chest Society Dear friends, Today is ‘World COPD Day’. It is an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)...

Author: Dr. M.Sabir

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COPD – Definition

DEFINITION OF COPD P.S. Shankar MD, FRCP (Lond), FAMS, DSc(Gul), DSc(NTR), DSc(RGUHS) Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore, Karnataka Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is...

Author: Prof. P.Shankar,Gulberga

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Magnitude & burden of COPD

Magnitude and burden of COPD Global and Indian Scene Dr S.K. Jindal, MD FAMS, FCCP, FNCCP Professor & Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research,...

Author: Prof. S.K. Jindal, Chandigarh

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