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World COPD day 16th November 2022

Dr. Radha Munje Professor & Head Department of Respiratory Medicine, Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur Dr. Gyanshankar Mishra Associate Professor Department of Respiratory Medicine, Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur Previous Next What is COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes airflow obstruction, mainly to air coming …

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Smoking Habit in India

Smoking Habit in India Dr. M. Sabir There are evidences suggesting smoking in India has been known since at least 2000 BC, when cannabis was smoked and is first mentioned in the  Atharvaveda. Performing ‘ home’ (fire offerings) and ‘dhupe’ (fumigation) are mentioned in the Ayurveda for medical purposes and have been practiced for at least 3,000 years while dhumrapana (literally “drinking smoke”) , has been mentioned in literature to …

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Lung Cancer

Dr. Navneet Singh Dr. D. Behra (On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide (Lung cancer is a serious life threatening disease of lung, strongly related to tobacco smoke. Early detection is important for decreasing suffering and increasing life span of the patient. Authors have explained in a very simple language, details …

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Sleep Apnea

SLEEP APNEA Dr Rajesh Swarnakar What is Obstructive sleep Apnea in Adults? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common problem that affects a person’s breathing during sleep. A person with OSA has times during sleep in which air cannot flow normally into the lungs. The block in airflow (obstruction) is usually caused by the collapse …

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Swine Flue

KNOW SWINE FLU Dr Surya Kant,MD (On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 for swine flu which is the highest alert level. This alert level means that the swine flu had spread worldwide and there were cases of people with the virus in most countries. …

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