Chairperson West Zone, Indian Chest Society
Dr.Neeraj Gupta
World is facing pandemic with Corona Virus Disease, originated in the year 2019, popularly named as CoVID 19.
Government of India has taken sincere efforts to contain the spread of this virus in the communities. In this effort, all the gatherings including schools, colleges, conferences, meetings, cinema halls, malls and even temples with lot of rush have been suspended. The aim is to avoid person to person contact in such gatherings to prevent spread of infection. Similarly international travels both incoming as well as outgoing to many countries have also been suspended to prevent importing the infection. Any breach or irresponsible act on behalf of healthcare workers or doctors is now made a punishable offence to prevent this infection to be an epidemic in the country.
While India has crossed the number of 100 patients’ tests are positive for this disease, with 3 deaths till date, all efforts of Indian and State government will go in vain if population at large does not follow the guidelines issued by government for personal safeguard.
Government of India has taken sincere efforts to contain the spread of this virus in the communities. In this effort, all the gatherings including schools, colleges, conferences, meetings, cinema halls, malls and even temples with lot of rush have been suspended. The aim is to avoid person to person contact in such gatherings to prevent spread of infection. Similarly international travels both incoming as well as outgoing to many countries have also been suspended to prevent importing the infection. Any breach or irresponsible act on behalf of healthcare workers or doctors is now made a punishable offence to prevent this infection to be an epidemic in the country.
While India has crossed the number of 100 patients’ tests are positive for this disease, with 3 deaths till date, all efforts of Indian and State government will go in vain if population at large does not follow the guidelines issued by government for personal safeguard.

- The infection spreads by contact with diseased persons, droplets arising out of coughing and sneezing, contact with objects used by infected persons like napkins, towels, utensils, cloths, door handles etc. The virus may survive on these surfaces for about seven days.

- Avoid crowded places and gatherings.

- Avoid handshaking, hugging.Namaste is the best way to wish and greet.

- Avoid travels and journeys which are not so important and avoidable. Do not travel if you are sick. Share your travel history with your treating physician.

- Always use napkins or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing. Dispose them off in a closed dustbin or wash handkerchief in warm water daily. Else, cover your mouth and nose with folded elbow while sneezing and coughing

- Keep a safe distance (one meter or three feet)from a person having symptoms like running nose, fever, cough and associated breathlessness etc.
- Report immediately to hospital in case of any such symptoms for screening and treatment

- Quarantine (stay in home in a separate room) yourself if you have such symptoms. Infected or diagnosed persons need to be isolated in designated hospital areas.

- Frequently wash your hands with soap for at least 40 seconds or apply alcohol based sanitizers for at least 20 seconds. Follow proper steps for hand wash.

- Have a healthy diet and lot of fluids.
- Don’t be panic and don’t make others panic.

- Do not spit in open areas; do not touch your nose, mouth and face frequently.

- Do not eat raw food and vegetables.